Gamify Your Life: A Do It Now RPG Guide

Author: Travis
Date: October 29, 2024

I've been using the Do It Now RPG app to gamify my life, and it's been a game-changer. By assigning characteristics and skills to tasks, I've turned my to-do list into a thrilling adventure. Do It Now RPG doesn't just help you get things done; it helps you become the best version of yourself.

The app allows you complete customization of its features which enables you to build character classes based on your personality and aspirations setup as "Characteristics". Are you a meticulous Builder, adept at tackling home improvement projects? Or perhaps a wise Sage, dedicated to lifelong learning? Define your life appropriately and embark on a journey of self-improvement. Hopefully I can walk you through how I have organized things myself to give you some ideas.

Craft Your Own Epic And Level Up Your Skills

Each task you complete contributes to your character's development based upon the skills and characteristics you setup. Did you finally conquer that dusty corner with your cleaning skills? Boom! Your Cleaning skill increases, and you get closer to leveling up that skill along with the "Sire" characteristic.

Don't be fooled by the term "to-do list." With Do It Now RPG, creating a task is like crafting a quest. You can assign it a difficulty level, importance rating, and even a touch of "fear" (think conquering a fear of public speaking with a presentation). The more challenging the task, the greater the reward – experience points, gold, and a sense of accomplishment. You can setup your own reward store that allows you to spend your earned gold on different rewards that you setup for yourself. I have not employed too much of the reward system, but do plan on building out more tutorials as I continue to deep dive into the detailed features of the application. For now, let's look over what I have setup and how I have it setup to make my "to-do list" feel like a true adventure worth doing.

Embrace the Power of Characteristics

I've broken down my skills and abilities into overarching characteristics, inspired by classic RPG roles. These are the broad categories that define different aspects of my life. As I find new opportunities I add them to the list of characteristics being sure to define them properly in a description. Since beginning this journey I've had to combine a few characteristics into one that might be considered the same thing in the end (i.e. Mender & Healer).

Characteristic NameDescription
ArtificerPossesses a variety of skills to create or repair anything they put their hands on.
BarbarianRelies only on their power & strength in every situation to get what they want.
BardBring forth emotion and connection through musical instruments & songs.
BeastmasterExperts in animal research that have trained tirelessly to work with a variety of animals.
BrewmeisterKnown for their knowledge of sourcing and creating malt liquor and beer through brewing.
BuilderVersed in different methods of construction including but not limited to woodworking, masonry, electrical, & plumbing.
ChefPractitioners of the oldest form of life-giving: sustenance itself, albeit sometimes with flair.
DruidWorking with nature to grow and create powerful plants for healing & more.
FighterMasters of combat skilled with a variety of weapons and armor.
HealerPossesses a deep understanding of the human body, its afflictions, and treatment of afflictions.
KnightRole models of society in the form of chivalry, charisma, romance, and appearance.
MerchantBusinessmen first, friends second – interested in treasure, long-lost fortunes, and enhancing their names.
MonkMasters of martial arts combat and discipline of mind & body.
NobleSpecializes in the care and management of their families, properties, and the political landscape.
PainterCrafts works of art transposing their imaginations into an expression upon a canvas.
RangerDoing all it takes to survive in the wild these are accomplished woodsmen.
RogueSpecializes in skills involving stealth & bypassing security but now always for evil.
SageDefined by their extensive studies of both the known & the unknown.
SireFamily patriarch. Known for their wisdom, strength, and unwavering dedication to their lineage.
WarriorUse finesse, endurance, & fitness training to excel in all situations.
WizardDealing with that of computing, programming, or other computing work not understood by all.

Adding Tasks to Perform

After developing the various characteristics that I would like to track, I generally start adding tasks. When you create a task, you have to choose a skill that it correlates with, and this can help you develop skills along the way. We will discuss skills more after this, but when you create a new skill, you have to attach it to a characteristic. Creating tasks, then deciding what skill should correlate or creating a new skill can help you create skills you're actually working on rather than just listing a bunch of things that you could work on.

There are a variety of ways to handle tasks. Currently, I only use repeatable tasks and individual tasks, but you can dive into dailies, habits, increasing/decreasing skills, and more. I will cover those more complex topics in another post. For now, you just need to worry about adding the following things to a task:

  • Task Title: Generally, a brief title that tells you what the actual task at hand is.
  • Description: If you want/need to include more information on the task to help you perform it.
  • Date & Repeats: You can set tasks to be termless (without a due date), across the whole day it is assigned, or at a specific time during the day. You can also set reminders and repeat settings.
  • Difficulty, Importance, Fear, XP, Failure: The way I handle this is by going into Settings > Default Values and making reward default to 1 gold, difficulty default be set to 50%, importance default be set to 50%, fear set to be 0%, XP mode to "Manual XP input", XP default to 1, and Fail Multiplier set to 100%. In general, I feel this makes the leveling up process slower and closer to real life than the defaults, although this is definitely up to you.
  • Add Increasing Skill: This is where you would choose or create a skill to attach the task to. If you create a task, then you will have to assign that skill to one or more characteristics. This is generally why I start with Characteristic buildout and then move into Tasks/Skills as I need to create them.

As you see, you can start creating tasks immediately and create skills as you go, but you could also flesh out some basic skills ahead of time to make assigning tasks much quicker. I tend to create tasks for weekly events more than daily events, but you are free to choose exactly what would work for you. create tasks for weekly events more than daily events, but you are free to choose exactly what would work for you.

Refine & Define Your Skills

Within the characteristics, I've defined specific skills that I want to develop. When you create tasks to perform, you will be asked to choose an increasing or decreasing skill. In general, I stick with increasing skills and have not dived into the possibility of decreasing skills. I will be diving into such things as I push forward in my own journey. After all, one of the famous sayings about not utilizing skills enough is, "use it or lose it," implying that if you do not practice or hone your skills, then you will become less efficient at those skills. Below is my list of skills that I have developed over time. I am constantly adding new skills should a task require a new skill to be made.

Skill NameDescription
3D PrintingImproving skills in using 3D printers & associated tools.
ArmorcraftingThe skill of crafting protective gear for use in Live Action Role Play (LARP) gaming or cosplay events.
Animal HandlingThe ability to care for and interact with animals, understanding their behavior and needs.
CampingThe skill of setting up camp outdoors, including pitching tents, building fires, and preparing food.
CharityThe voluntary giving of help to those in need.
CleaningThe ability to maintain a clean and organized environment.
CommunicationThe ability to effectively convey ideas and information.
CookingThe art of preparing food, including knowledge of ingredients, techniques, and flavors.
DisciplineThe ability to control one's behavior and emotions.
DrawingThe ability to create visual representations of ideas, emotions, or objects using various drawing techniques.
EruditionThe quality of having or showing great knowledge or learning.
Financial LiteracyOf or pertaining to knowledge gained from handling one's own or ones business finances.
FitnessThe state of being physically fit and healthy.
Foreign LanguageThe ability to speak, read, and write in a language other than one's native language.
Gift GivingThe art of selecting and presenting gifts.
HerbologyThe study of plants, especially medicinal plants.
Home MaintenanceThe skill of maintaining a home, including repairs, cleaning, and landscaping.
HygieneThe practice of keeping oneself clean and healthy.
MathematicsThe study of numbers, quantity, and space.
MedicineThe science and practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventing illness.
MeditationThe practice of training one's mind to focus and redirect thoughts.
MusicThe art of producing music, including composing, performing, and listening.
PaintingThe art of applying paint to a surface to create a picture or decorative design.
ParenthoodThe role and responsibility of raising children.
ProductivityThe ability to efficiently manage time and tasks to achieve goals.
ProgrammingThe process of writing and testing computer software.
ReadingThe ability to understand written language.
RunningThe sport or activity of moving on foot, especially at a fast pace.
SalesmanshipThe ability to persuade others to buy products or services.
SecurityThe practice of protecting people and property from harm.
SwimmingThe ability to move through water by using one's arms and legs.
Web DevelopmentThe process of building and maintaining websites, including coding, design, and content management.

Attaching Skills to Characteristics

When you have created a new skill it will ask you to assign this skill to a characteristic. Sometimes I already have one in mind and sometimes I have to create a new characteristic. Sometimes this involves creating a new characteristic, but first I try and fit the skill within the existing list of characteristics. Every so often, like at the time of writing this blog, I have found that reviewing the characteristic and skill lists is important as I have combined characteristics before to ensure that I am not creating duplicates or spreading my leveling between two similar characteristics or skills. Below you will find a chart of different skills that have attached to characteristics.

Characteristic NameAttached Skills
Artificer3D Printing
Home Maintenance
BarbarianCombative Training
BeastmasterAnimal Handling
Home Maintenance
DruidAnimal Handling
Combative Training
Weapons Training
First Aid
Trauma Care
Financial Literacy
MonkCombative Training
Gift Giving
Painter3D Art
Pixel Art
Foreign Language
Web Development

Level Up Your Life

Do It Now RPG has transformed my approach to personal growth. It's no longer just about checking things off a list; it's about becoming a more skilled, well-rounded individual. By aligning tasks with my aspirations and tracking progress through a gamified system, I'm motivated to tackle challenges and celebrate every victory.

Give Do It Now RPG a try and see how it can help you, but most of all let me know how you're using it and maybe how I can improve what I've already got going!

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Built by Travis Bunn, of Bunn Brands.
Copyright @ 2020 Travis Bunn.